Thursday, November 18, 2010

Senior Seminar Presentations

The Faculty and Senior students of the Christian Ministries Department invite you to the fourth annual Senior Ministry Oral Presentations & Defense.

Where: Creekside South, Room 130
When: Monday, Nov 29-Wednesday, Dec 1

Monday, Nov. 29- 2:00-6:00PM
2:00-3:00- Erin Deremer:  House of Hope; empowering moms and families through the restoring love of Christ.
3:00-4:00- Sarah Kaggwa:  Community Center for homosexuals in Kampala, Uganda
4:00-5:00- Karen Peck:  Discipleship Camp; a new paradigm in camping ministry
5:00-6:00- Rob Kuhl: Family Based Youth Ministry

Tuesday, Nov. 30- 6:00-9:00PM
6:00-7:00- Ashley Berkholz: ConnectionHouse
7:00-8:00- Tiffany Komosa: Gripping Freedom; a recovery ministry for victims of sex trafficking
8:00-9:00- Kelsey Little: Judson World Mission

Wednesday, Dec. 1- 3:00-6:00PM
3:00-4:00- Kiley Helgerson: Dove's Eyes; a parachurch curriculum development organization
4:00-5:00- Phillip Lambert: Service Learning and youth ministry
5:00-6:00- Caitlyn Powers: Equipping and Empowering for World Transformation

Come join us for the Senior presentations this year!

Dr. Dave at Youth Specialties this year!

Dr. Dave will be hosting a booth for Judson U at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention in Nashville.  The event goes from Nov. 19 to the 22nd.

Make sure to stop by and say hello if you are at the conference!  Find out about the growing department and its recent developments or just to say "Hi!"

Two Students go to Africa for World Conference

Tiffany and Caitlyn in Cape Town!

Caitlyn Powers and Tiffany Komosa returned recently from their trip to Cape Town 2010: The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism.  They both had a great time and were able to engage with others about social justice and evangelism.  Here's what they had to say about the trip.

Caitlyn says: 
Over 4,000 delegates from 200 different nations around the world made history as they united together at the 3rd Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa. Through Judson, I had the privilege to serve there and connect with evangelistic leaders and fellow stewards.
During the sessions there was singing, dancing, and powerful speakers, both well known names and individuals who remained nameless to protect themselves from being killed for actively participating in this conference. As a steward I literally had to ask people not to take pictures or recordings of certain speakers.
Hot topics about trafficking, poverty, and youth outreach were discussed, but far greater than the speakers or dialog sessions was the indescribable community of love that was build among all the stewards and participants through the power and unity of the Holy Spirit.

Tiffany had this to say about the experience:
Tiffany hosting a table discussion at the conference.
            Serving at Cape Town 2010 Third Lausanne Congress was the experience of a lifetime. It was wonderful to meet fellow stewards from all over the world and hear about what they are doing in their ministry. It was encouraging to meet others with the same passions and struggles in their ministry and be able to uplift each other. Cape Town 2010 was a display of how God is moving and how his people are responding!