Friday, October 8, 2010

CM Students Leaving for South Africa

On Saturday, October 10, two students from the Christian Ministries Department, Caitlyn Powers and Tiffany Komosa, will be leaving for Cape Town 2010: The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization where they will be representing Judson University by serving as stewards for the conference.

"Cape Town 2010, held in collaboration with the World Evangelical Alliance, will bring together 4,000 leaders from more than 200 countries to confront the critical issues of our time – other world faiths, poverty, HIV/AIDS, persecution, among others - as they relate to the future of the Church and world evangelization."


We're excited for the opportunity that Tiffany and Caitlyn have to interact with Christian leaders from around the world...and then to come back to share what they've learned with our community. Please be praying for them as they travel and serve.