I had the opportunity last week to sit down with Kelsey Little and talk about her semester at the Uganda Studies Program. It was great to hear about her experiences and the many things she learned. So I asked her to write up a couple of sentences to post on our blog:
"This past semester I had the once in a lifetime experience of living with a Ugandan family and attending a Ugandan University. I learned to live without electricity or running water and to love it. I learned to sit in silence and enjoy the presence of my host family, to enjoy the vivid colors of red dirt, green banana leaves, and huge blue sky, to love the sound of giant raindrops on the tin roof, to cook almost anything over a fire, to view my mosquito net as an impenetrable barrier against all crawly creatures and to share literally everything I had. The African spirit is beautiful and contagious and I was blessed to get to be a part of it."
For those of you interested in intercultural ministry, I'd highly recommend the Uganda Studies Program....Actually, everyone would benefit from this type of cross-cultural immersion experience!