Thursday, September 16, 2010

There is so much going on with our two majors. Students are doing their practicums in a wide variety of ministry sites, many of them are also involved in university ministry teams and dorm leadership, and a bunch are playing on Judson sports teams!! What an actively involved group.

We had a great first 'majors meeting' on Monday and e got to interact, meet new people and hear words of wisdom from our seniors. This was following a cookout at my house a couple of Fridays ago, so we're definitely social creatures! We LIKE hanging out together.

Coming up we have the National Youth Workers Convention that some of us are going to, AND our annual Christian Ministries scholarships will have a awarded some time later this semester! Be on the lookout for more info on these two upcoming events.

I love teaching and learning with all of you in the major. You give my life purpose. In fact, I put that on my Facebook this morning....I get to go to class and teach!!

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